Ricarda Kausch
State-recognised speech therapist,
certified LSVT LOUD therapist
Ricarda Kausch is a state-recognised speech therapist and certified LSVT LOUD therapist and works in a specialist clinic for movement disorders in Kassel.
The fee is based on the fee regulations for therapists (GebüTH).
60 minutes individual therapy =103,74 €
learn more about über Ricarda Kausch
My name is Ricarda Kausch and I have been a state-recognised speech therapist since 2010.
I worked in a clinic in Hamburg for several years and have been working in a specialist clinic for movement disorders since 2020.
I have been a certified LSVT LOUD therapist since 2021, I regularly undergo further training and am currently completing my FEES (Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing) training.
We encounter communication every day. It is the most important aspect of social interaction. When the voice and/or speaking become a burden, those affected often withdraw and communicate very little verbally.
To support you in improving your communication or to advise relatives/affected persons, please contact me.